Staffing Agency

Telangana Overseas Manpower 

Telangana Overseas Manpower Company Limited
(TOMCOM) is a registered entity under the Department
of Labour Employment. Training an Factories.
​​​​​​​Government Telangana.


Telangana Overseas Manpower Company Limited (TOMCOM) is a registered entity under the Department of Labour Employment. Training an Factories. Government Telangana. TOMCOM waS incorporated 2015 under the Companies Act and empaneled with the Ministry of External Affairs as a State government recruitment agency tor overseas jobs. The main objective of TOMCOM is to provide skill training and facilitate overseas employment opportunities the youth of Telangana through safe and legal channels of migration
Since its inception, more than 2800 candidates were sent to countries like Qatar. United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kuwait and Oman for employment in various sectors like construction, healthcare domestic
care, automobile education and plantation work

Our Highlights

Staffing Agency

Services/ Programs 

TOMCOM has adopted a life cycle approach cater to various aspects of migration including training, recruitment, pre-departure orientation, sate and legal migration, return and reintegration.

Major activities conducted by TOMCOM include:
Pre-departure Orientation Training (PDOT) courses.
Operate a 24/7 help desk at the Hyderabad international airport for counselling vulnerable migrants to gulf countries.
Mobilization and enrolment of eligible candidates for overseas lob opportunities.
Address grievances of migrant workers through the Te-Migrant app.
Partner with training Institutions and organise call development programs meeting overseas employment standards.
Conducting regular meetings with recruiting agents and training of trainers workshops on safe and legal migration.
Maintain database or skilled workers in various sectors

Our Services

Online Registration

Passport & Visa Services

Coordination with Foreign 

Press Release